rocket stove
rocket stove
It's a k-style rocket with gravityfeed and removable ashtray inside a barrel with second air inlet in the swirl for total combustion, built of 88 mm 3.5"stainless steel tubes with 2 convection tubes in floor, wall and ceiling. And a reflectorplate that hangs down in front of the outlet so only cold co2 goes to the chimney that I can hold my hand on after a meter all in the size of 30x50x70cm and weighs in at 50kg and is only to raise the temperature of the air quickly
The radiated heat is 400c, the temperature is over 1000c before the riser.
It's a k-style rocket with gravityfeed and removable ashtray inside a barrel with second air inlet in the swirl for total combustion, built of 88 mm 3.5"stainless steel tubes with 2 convection tubes in floor, wall and ceiling. And a reflectorplate that hangs down in front of the outlet so only cold co2 goes to the chimney that I can hold my hand on after a meter all in the size of 30x50x70cm and weighs in at 50kg and is only to raise the temperature of the air quickly
The radiated heat is 400c, the temperature is over 1000c before the riser.